Monday, December 17, 2007

Public Address System

There is no need of very hi-fi sound system for public address. some time people select stereo/surround sound/5.1 for small auditorium which is of no advantage and expensive.
I select following sound system for 50 feet x 50 feet x 15 feet height Hall ( Gypsum celling for acoustic purpose). 120 students sitting Capacity.
1. 120W Amplifier (Ahuja Make) 5 + 2 Aux in.
2. 32W x 4 Nos of speakers.
3. Wireless Microphone.

Speaker should face opposite Microphone direction otherwise echo effect.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Install Java2 SDK on linux. extract JDK in folder and edit .bashrc file in your root folder.
add following lines to .bashrc file as per your extracted folder and JDK version.
export JAVA_HOME=/home/download/java/jdk1.6.0_03
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin:${PATH}

synchronizing view error in Eclipse Europa

You can install plugins from
This works fine with eclipse 3.3 (europa). This will add ftp support.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


using Aptana with debian4.0 embedded browser path not set. use command
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner/
do not use FireFox or Mozilla if using Eclipse 3.3 and newer. Xulrunner 1.8.1 and above is fine
details at

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Install HP 1020 printer with Linux

Visit site install driver and follow the instruction for different linux packages. do not forget to reboot the machine while your Printer on.

Debain 4.0 boot problem with XP dual boot

Debain 4.o with Xp dual boot: Sometime after shutdown Xp and than boot with linux give ACPI exception errors like AE_NOT_FOUND or Searching for Mountpoint without activity.

Mostly Linux with DHCP enable trying for IP Address and Latest Motherboard onboard Lan Card can not initialize in Linux. It easily up under Xp. You can see link disconnection in your Lan Switch or onboard Lan LED.Your linux has to take IP from mostly with your ADSL Modem/Router so it fails to get IP and ends with error/loop.

To come out from this problem do not think in a big way just Power off (computer,ADSL Router and switch) from Main and restart everything will work fine.Check lan connectivity on switch before boot.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

India Income Tax e-return upload Tips.

ITR-3 version1.0 pdf utility has following bugs.
1. HUF return can not validate. to solve problem validate as Individual and than edit xml file with Status "H" instead "I".
2. Put 0 in all the fields which is nil otherwise it will validate but gives error at the time of upload.
3. edit xml with Refund = "0" if return has no refund.
4. edit xml for AdvanceTax and Self assessment tax as all advances goes to Advance Tax field.

ITR-5 ver 1.3 Excel utility upload succesfully but at end gives error and dose not shows ITR-V so go to my return and print ITR-V. if you try again to upload it says revised your return.

keep checking new version everyday and file with new version of utility

Sata Hard Drive not detected

1. Check Power Cable as it is not standard supply. Replace it first.
2. Check Data Cable and try another.
3. Check your BIOS and Enable Serial ATA in the settings. Also keep default settings "AUTO" for the same.
4. Some old mother board requires 1.5 Gb/s transfer rate. Change the jumpers on the Hard drive if necessary.
5. Check for BIOS updates if available.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

ccPrxy.exe SPOOLSV.EXE spyware removed

First run MSCONFIG and go to startup and uncheck ccPrxy and SPOOLSV. Open FileZill or any other file utility and remove ccPrxy.exe(23k) and SPOOLSV.EXE(39k) from windows\system32. be careful and do not remove spoolsv.exe (lowercase), it is useful file for printing. restart the computer.
for any spyware/malware/virus please check windows, windows\system32, windows\system folder/directory for hidden files (on command prompt use dir /od /ah command) for latest hidden files. check dates and names of those file which are not related to windows system files may be virus files. ld.exe and ldu.exe and rm.exe hide in c:\windows folder. which spread through Flash drive on USB ports.
Remove all unnecessary hidden files on your Flash drive like autorun.inf, inform.exe. autorun.inf is most dangerous file for your Flash drive which spreads most of viruses through USB port.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diwan Ballubhai Network

Ethernet 10/100 Mbps Campus wide network completed on 12 July 2007 at Diwan Ballubhai School Kankaria. Now school has 24 Hrs unlimited Internet connectivity to all Corners. Network was designed by myself and deploy under my supervision.
5 Nos of 8 port switch, 2 Nos of 16 Port Switch, 1 No of Wire less Router, 700 mts length ethernet cable used. 256Kbps Internet connection with Static IP from Tata Installed
Connectivity to 1) All 4 Computer Labs. 2) Principal Offices (Pri and Main) 3) teacher room 4) New Libarary 5) Administrative office 6) Trust Office.
This gives me great self satisfaction. At least, I could give something back to the school. Nirav Sariya, Rajesh Shah, Anish Gandhi and Nehal from DBAA helped me lot to complete this project. I am also thankful for moral support from DiwanSaheb and PrafulbhaiSaheb who gave me freedom to work. Also Thankful to Principal Kiritbhai Joshi, Pri.Principal Anilbhai Raval, Sejalben, Darshnaben, Nitinbhai Raval, Hareshbhai, Vikrambhai, Jayeshbhai, Deshkarsaheb, Librarian Sunilbhai, Jayshreeben for their support.
Special Thanks to staff Bhuneshwarbhai, Dineshbhai and other staff who stand with us without watching clock.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I dnt hate FireFox

I dnt hate Mozilla FireFox... message and close firefox after clicking OK button

Remove folder C:\heap41a and it all content. If not removed use FileZilla to remove it.

In registry search "heap41a" and remove all keys related to that.